Terms and Conditions
Conduct and Attendance
he student warrants that he/she will fully participate in the activities of the institute, will attend each scheduled session, will be punctual, and will comply with the policies, rules, and regulations of the institute including those relating to conduct and behavior, uniform dress code, cleanliness hygiene in true letter and spirit. At least, 75% attendance is mandatory in order to get a Course Completion Certificate. The conduct and behavior of the students will be strictly monitored and in case of any violation, necessary action will be taken against the defaulter.
Dress Code For Ladies
Shalwar Kameez, Trousers, Shirt (capris, corduroys, and jeans are not classified as trousers)
Hair cut:
Bring some hair net, scarf, cap, or hair tie that will keep hair neatly in place and out of the food.
If you have long, polished fingernails, consider trimming your nails and removing nail polish. If you come to the kitchen with polished nails, you will be required to wear gloves at all times.
Wear comfortable closed-toed shoes. For safety and sanitation reasons, sandals and other open-toed shoes may not be worn by kitchen staff or students.
Shalwar Kameez, Trousers, Shirt (capris, corduroys, and jeans are not classified as trousers)
Hair cut:
Bring some hair net, scarf, cap, or hair tie that will keep hair neatly in place and out of the food.
If you have long, polished fingernails, consider trimming your nails and removing nail polish. If you come to the kitchen with polished nails, you will be required to wear gloves at all times.
Wear comfortable closed-toed shoes. For safety and sanitation reasons, sandals and other open-toed shoes may not be worn by kitchen staff or students.
Dress Code For Men
Shirt or T-shirt (with collars-long or short sleeves). Trousers and shalwar kameez are optional (capris, corduroys, and jeans are not classified as trousers).
Hair cut:
Bring some hair net, cap, or hair tie that will keep hair neatly in place and out of the food.
If you have long fingernails, consider trimming them.
Wear comfortable closed-toed shoes. For safety and sanitation reasons, sandals and other open-toed shoes may not be worn by kitchen staff or students.
Shirt or T-shirt (with collars-long or short sleeves). Trousers and shalwar kameez are optional (capris, corduroys, and jeans are not classified as trousers).
Hair cut:
Bring some hair net, cap, or hair tie that will keep hair neatly in place and out of the food.
If you have long fingernails, consider trimming them.
Wear comfortable closed-toed shoes. For safety and sanitation reasons, sandals and other open-toed shoes may not be worn by kitchen staff or students.
Knife set and uniforms
Use of the Crown Q knife set and Crown Q uniform set is mandatory. The price of the knife set and uniform will be charged separately.
Institute discipline
The student accepts the authority of the institute’s staff to take all reasonable disciplinary actions considered necessary in the circumstances. The disciplinary and misconduct policies, rules, and regulations apply to the student when he/she is in the premises of the Institute or otherwise representing or associated with the Institute including during any internship placement within the country (as the case may be).
Termination for low attendance
In case of a maximum of three absences in any one term without proper justification and good reasons, the Institute reserves the right to terminate your admission forthwith and the student shall forfeit the paid fee paid. In case the student doesn’t show up continuously then a letter will be sent to Parents for further clarification & Justification or ask them to visit and meet the Campus Manager.
Violation of standards or breakage
The upkeep of the kitchen/accessories is the sole responsibility of the students. The workstation will be kept tidy, and any violation regarding maintenance and upkeep of the kitchen will not be tolerated. Following actions will be taken:
1) A verbal warning will be issued by the management of crown Q. A second violation will terminate the person’s right to use the kitchen. Crown Q holds the right to overpass the warning period and terminate immediately.
2) Any damage abuse or loss occurring during the usage of the kitchen must be recorded on an incident report and given to the Chef overseeing the event who in turn will forward it to the management. Restitution, if necessary for the damages will be determined by the management of Crown Q.
3) Generally, the Organization or event group will be charged for the replacement of missing or broken items.
4) Individual Incident Report (If Any) will be attached with Student Personal File, which will impact on his/her Course Completion Certificate or further Industry Internships Program.
1) A verbal warning will be issued by the management of crown Q. A second violation will terminate the person’s right to use the kitchen. Crown Q holds the right to overpass the warning period and terminate immediately.
2) Any damage abuse or loss occurring during the usage of the kitchen must be recorded on an incident report and given to the Chef overseeing the event who in turn will forward it to the management. Restitution, if necessary for the damages will be determined by the management of Crown Q.
3) Generally, the Organization or event group will be charged for the replacement of missing or broken items.
4) Individual Incident Report (If Any) will be attached with Student Personal File, which will impact on his/her Course Completion Certificate or further Industry Internships Program.
Withdrawl from institute
Students guilty of the following offenses are liable to be withdrawn from the Institute:
1) Cheating, lying, stealing & immoral conduct.
2)Willfully and deliberately damaging the institute property.
3)Any act of insubordination, misbehavior, and subversive of discipline with the trainers/management and course mates, etc.
1) Cheating, lying, stealing & immoral conduct.
2)Willfully and deliberately damaging the institute property.
3)Any act of insubordination, misbehavior, and subversive of discipline with the trainers/management and course mates, etc.
The liability of the institute
The Institute does not accept responsibility: Unless negligent or guilty of some other wrongdoing, causing injury or any other, loss or damages, the Institute does not accept responsibility for accidental injury or other loss caused to the student due to his/her negligence or any damage due to act of God.
General Contractual Matters
The services
The Institute will exercise reasonable care and skill in providing the services.
Institute intellectual property
The course programs, learning materials, original recipes, logos, crests, domain names, and trademarks are the property of Crown Q and may not be used, reproduced, or modified by the student in any form except with the prior written permission of the senior management of the institute.The Institute reserves the right to cancel admission and forfeit fee/advance (if any) in case any student was found indulged in the use of Narcotics, Alcohol in any form, etc. while attending classes. The same action will be taken in the cases of sexual harassment and moral turpitude, keeping undesirable printing material and, violating the rules policies instructions issued by the Institute from time to time
Third-party rights
Only the institute and the student are the parties to this contract, No third party is a party to this contract and shall not have any right to interfere/enforce any term of it